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Anonymous, A Global Community Of Activists

  In early June of 2022, Anonymous collective released a video from Anonymous LiteMods Youtube titled, "World Leaders" that featured some context to the collective as well as who they are and what they do and stand for.

Hello World, we are Anonymous and as of this day so are you. We are by the people for the people, we aim to unite together into one conduit of information with the tools to organize on a mass scale in times such as this. We must focus, educate one another and ourselves and become active in Making A Difference. We are not simply an independent social media outlet, Anonymous is a growing, information filled, driven machine for change, real change, our change. 

In a world run by Governments and Regimes that do not care for the people but rather their own political and financial gain. It is up to the people to set the matter straight, after all it is primarily our fault for allowing them to get to this point is it not? We have remained silent as they moved our jobs away, as they stripped our cultures and replaced them with their own capitalist agenda as they began taking away our individual freedoms and liberties in the name of security. My friends the only people who need security now are the people who oppress us. 

Anonymous has become much more than just an information outlet, and in time we will increase in global organization and mobilization while we grow our network and community information and access to it will increase as well. Let it be known that Anonymous does not deal in conspiracy theory but rather conspiracy fact. We will educate one another and share our voices with the world via tools implemented within our network. Our ranks will grow our intelligence will increase and we will shape ourselves into well educated, formulating adversaries to anyone who tries to stand in the way of the people and our freedoms. Our voice will carry as their control slips more and more, in time we will be a formidable force across the globe. We the people will take to the streets in orchestrated mass protest as we mobilize. We shall show the world that we are here and we are not going to stop until we bring the power back to the people where it so rightfully belongs. In conjunction gas boycotts and civil non-compliance will be demonstrated as we bring this destructive greed based system to its knees. The people will rise, Governments, Cooperations and other Regimes, the time has come, you had a good run but your time of fun is nearly coming to a close. We hope you enjoyed your game, now it is time you play ours. The coming year will present many hardships for you and your way of life that you so heartlessly enjoy at the cost of billions of people on this planet. We recommend looking within yourself and finding what humanity may remain inside that callous heart of yours, this will make your transition easier. You have committed countless atrocities against the people of this planet, and the planet itself. In a conquest for power, control and wealth, you have manipulated your peoples acting under the guise of their best interests and safety. All the while furthering your own agenda, your crimes against humanity will be counted.

What do we desire? A more promising way of life, free of the constraints that society has laid upon us, free of the division, a world with more transparent Governments that work for the people instead of against them. Where peace officers are serving the people once again rather than the establishment. A world where we can evolve as a world community and end these senseless wars and settle our differences with nothing more than true diplomacy. We wish to have less cooperate influence in our countries and in our daily lives. We want to see the return of Main Street and the gradual containment of WallStreet and most certainly we desire the ability to control our own economy by removing the powers that have been granted to the world banks ridding the world of their fiat currencies. To sum up the many ideas we share to one statement, we desire a world that works together as human beings in the better interests of the people, decided by the people rather than a world divided by race and nationality that functions solely for wealth and conquest, the end of the bankers, the cooperate control, the capitalist destruction, and in this end there is a new beginning defined by the people. We the people will see your end. You will fight to continue your system of control and it will be unlike any battle you have ever waged. For the first time in history you, the elite will be fighting for your own hierarchical survival. It will cost you a great deal of your own wealth and resources all the while fueling our ability to dismantle your system.

 We approve of these conditions. Your infrastructure will crumble and soon you will remain standing powerless, unimportant and irrelevant to the world around you. You will experience what it is to live in a world and possess nothing more than your fancy suit and the shoes on your feet. In that moment you will be free, we will all be free. 

We look forward to seeing you. Enjoy what time you have on your throne.

We are Anonymous the time has come. Now we Rise. Expect Us.   

Now for the most part this seemed in the regular for an Anonymous statement, but I wanted to make sure to highlight the end of it. If you're familiar with Anonymous and its movements you will remember that their way of signing their work is typically "We are Anonymous, We do not forgive, We do not forget, Expect Us." This closing statement has changed in this message it indicated not only a rise of the collective but that it is actively happening. I myself have been watching it happen. All I can say is I personally can not wait to see more justice served by Anonymous and I will be here to let each of you know every update I see. Always remember my darlings, Make A Difference. 


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