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StickyDrama, Sex, Drugs and Death

 Most of you are familiar with and its writer and owner Christopher Jude Stone Watermeier, but only some of you are aware of the disturbing and disgusting actions of Stone and how dramatically he has impacted the lives of multiple people who were at the time, in an age range of 15-21. When it comes to intimidation, blackmail, sexual extortion and serious legal problems, Stone seems to be an expert. The actions of Stone have not only traumatized those hey preyed on but even in one occasion allegedly led to things more serious. 

Christopher Jude Stone Watermeier casually known as Chris Stone born in May of 1979. First born child of Dr. John Joseph Watermeier and Olga Marie Stone. Chris with the help of his wealthy parents has narrowly escaped his actions that have been widely documented. Later in life Chris, Stone purchased an apartment in Los Angeles for around $500,000 that was later sold, where he invited some of the internet's original influencers to live with him in attempt to create the first internet reality tv show. Unfortunately, this plan involved Stone providing drugs and alcohol to almost anyone who walked through the door, in order to help him manipulate these barely legal kids into giving him more content.    

Make A Difference has spoken to 4 unnamed victims that verified that Stone provided them with illegal substances as well as alcohol to multiple under aged people. All four victims interviewed also claimed that Stone used money and influence to convince young boys 18+ to give consent to sexual acts that included a "Punishment Chair" which was described as " a black toilet seat attached to a walker so he can have easy access." Make A Difference has also obtained text messages of Stone confirming the existence of this "chair."  Multiple witnesses made statement that Stone used the death of a teenage boy via car accident on StickyDrama stating " Chris glorified this on the website as a warning if you deny him, something bad will happen." These same victims also informed us that Stone provided an underage boy who went by "Mikeyy", Xanax which led to his unfortunate overdose. All victims we spoke to also confirmed that Stone gave multiple illegal substances to them to use and 2 of these victims believe they were given the substances so it would be easier for Stone to convince them to preform sexual acts with him.

According to Urban Dictionary, Stone "Enjoyed exploiting the sexual insecurities of teenagers and sometimes even children." also stating that "Stone and some other loser" ran things "promoting child porn that has been hacked from other computers" further stating " They make their money capitalizing off cyberbullying." Make A Difference was unable to find any remaining documentation of these acts but we did obtain a quote from Stone about it stating, "The authorities forced" him to "Delete everything".  

We also found a Reddit post stating "One man made it his mission to catalog this drama on a website called StickyDrama. After failing at an attempted career as a porn videographer, Chris Stone saw dollar signs in Stickam's turbulent social scene, along with the added benefit of quelling his insatiable, shameless need to gawk at human conflict and suffering. And so, he began a Stickam-focused gossip site. Here he reported such happenings such as on-camera rape and overdose with thinly-veiled sadistic glee." Make A Difference was able to find a published article by Gawker titled "StickyDrama's Owner Live-Streamed Rape and Blogged About It-But Didn't Report It." which reported on an incident similar to what was mentioned on Reddit. 

Upon learning about so many potentially criminal acts, Make A Difference went to search Public Record in effort to learn if Stone has ever been held accountable for his actions. This is where we obtained court documents from a lawsuit in 2013 where it appears Stone was asked to pay $1,128,851.17 for Pain, Suffering, Emotional Distress, Defamation and Loss of Earnings that Stone profited from commercially on websites he operates and owns. The Judgment was granted as prayed.

Recently Stone had been the first to report on the unfortunate assault and rape of Andrew Gage Arthur inflicted by makeup guru Jeffree Star, which was then more extensively covered by Insider. Make A Difference also obtained a tip that Stone paid Arthur anywhere between $200-$600 for a copy of the check Gage received from Scott C. Andrews, CFO of Jeffree Star Cosmetics, for $45,000 that Insider also covered. We have also documented Stone posting the private information of Make A Difference Founder Chris Avery Bennet, in an attempt to discredit her and intimidate her not to speak against him. since then Stone has had majority if his social media accounts permanently suspended for "Harassment, Abuse and Hate Content." Make A Difference was blocked from contacting Stone days before he posted Chris Avery's information and due to this, we were unable to reach out to Stone for comment. 

We would like to applaud each victim that came to us to share with us their experiences and commend their strength as they worked through their trauma and still continue to work through trauma caused by Christopher Jude Stone Watermeier.



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