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Make A Difference Founder Chris Avery Bennet's Private Information Has Been Leaked!

 Over the years there has been so much that has happened to try and stop me from speaking up and speaking truths some people may not want to hear. Each and every attempt has thankfully done nothing but remind me why I have chosen again and again in my life, to not become silent but to speak louder and stronger. The events I am about to share with you are no different. 

Many of you may know that in 2020, I spoke up discussing my past interactions with Jeffree Star via Insider and the amazing reporter Kat Tenbarge. Something that was incredibly difficult on its own, but knowing I was speaking an uncomfortable truth I knew it was a matter of time before the attacks started coming. 

If you were on the internet before the days of Facebook, you may recognize the name as being the most intrusive and toxic blog that covered social media influencers of the time. StickyDrama run by Christopher Stone have both been the center of some truly disgusting and dangerous events and today we are going to talk about one of them.

In December of 2020 Christopher Stone contacted me by masking his cellphone with the phone number of Kat Tenbarge, in order to trick me into trusting the phone call. He asked for and interview and I reluctantly agreed knowing trouble was around the corner. The interview had already started off being sketchy when Stone had claimed I had sent him the image mentioned by Insider of Jeffree Star via Stickam, a form of social media I have never had an account for. Knowing this I could tell that Stone was up to something, but I elected to give him the opportunity to run a story based on truth, this is something he did not do. 

Stone not only interviewed myself but longtime friend Morgan Fey, to verify any information I had given him about myself that had absolutely nothing to do with the subject he claimed he was interviewing for. In that interview he was informed that at one point in my life I was a temporary live-in nanny for my friend as she had 2 special needs stepchildren that she needed help with. Somehow because I was a nanny for 3 months of my life Stone took this information ignoring all other findings and decided to run a narrative that I was lying about Jeffree, which he loudly intended to use in attempt to discredit my story so he can become the original source of the Jeffree story as he was first to interview Gage Arthur.  

Two weeks later Stone on his now banned YouTube account posted one of the most disgusting cyber bullying videos I have ever been mentioned in. This video was not only attacking myself but my friend Amor Hilton. It began with claims of Amor that would have been scandalous for a woman in the late 1800s but today was just a clear signal of some deep routed hate and anger. After trashing Amor the video moved forward to the topic of me and that's where it shockingly got much much worse.

The video began with out of context recordings from the phone interview Stone trapped me into doing labeling me as "Crazy Chris Avery" but quicky escalated into dead naming me and posting photos of me as a male. As a Transgender person, a dead name is the name we were born with and not the name we grew to become. It did not take YouTube very long to take the video down as it was in clear violation of many of their rules, but as YouTube was deciding on what to do, Stone was in the comments threatening that if I exposed any of his lies as the lies, they were that he would not only ramp up the attacks but begin attacking my friends as well. Stone followed through with the threat.

Upon YouTube taking the video down, Stone escalated by posting the same information on but to sweeten it up he elected to publicly post my personal cell phone number and photos my mother took of me when I was male identifying that had my mother's photography business watermark. Doing so, Stone gave any hateful person on the internet, the information they needed to stalk and harass me, which is exactly what happened. 

Jeffree Star fans immediately began to use this information to not only re post it but to also attempt to spin more lies about my life. One I found most humorous is the claim that my NYFW life is off the back of my mother's photography business. For those who do not know, when I took my family name Bennet, it was to not only become the woman I am today but to also separate myself from my parents as we have different views and lifestyles, and I needed that healthy separation as I evolved into the person I am now. What was funny in these claims was that I am the only person in my family to have the life I have, meaning that my mother's small town catholic photography business has only ever been involved in fashion when I opened the opportunity to her and not the other way around.  

Since the doxing done by Stone and his StickyDrama, that same information has been used repeatedly and I have at this point lost count of how many times a hateful person has used my dead name in attempt to attack me. Some people have even been so desperate to attempt to find any social media account under my dead name that has ever said anything distasteful to try and claim since the account uses my former male name then it must be me. Others have stalked my actual social media accounts to find any mention of my dead name and photos of me as a male. Not only is that toxic behavior transphobic but is completely insane. As a trans person my dead name is called "dead" for the simple reason of once I became the trans woman I am today, Chris Babyak died, and Chris Avery Bennet was born. To claim a trans person is using their dead name is an unhinged fabrication in a desperate attempt to hurt people.

You are likely asking why I am sharing this information now publicly and the answer is simpler than you may think. People view information as power and this kind of information has been used so many times to claim power over myself and the activism I do and that ends now. I claim my power by taking this information from those who would use it in retaliation against my spreading truth. When I post this information on the largest platform I have, they can try to use it for harm, but the reality is, there is nothing there to harm me with. I will continue my work with no fear of these hateful people because they have already done everything, they could do to hurt me. They have attempted to erase my life and any sucess I have had alongside with any good I have done. These desperate people in an attempt to gain attention through false information have worked abnormally hard to spin a fabrication of my life using this information thinking it holds some sort of power over me. It does not. 

With all of this being said, I wish to prepare all of you for some of the upcoming posts on Make A Difference, where we will dive much deeper into the reality of these hateful people and the criminal things they have done. I will be interviewing multiple victims and the content will be triggering for many. Those of us in Make A Difference hope to help these victims find justice and at the very least, closure. 

Stay Strong my Darlings and always remember to Make A Difference. 


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