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Eerie Pepperoni Was The Eraser, Here Is What Really Happened

 We have had a major development in the story involving Eerie Pepperoni being The Eraser. We in order to maintain that correct information is being published, we Un-Published/Redacted the previous article in order to re-present this story in a way that is more accurate. If we see we have made a mistake we always make a great effort to correct that. Today we interviewed Controversial Youtuber, Jamie from BabbleOnYT who was on the receiving side of the Eraser screenshots we previously covered. Jamie gave us the full context of what and who The Eraser is/was and things have dramatically changed.  

The Eraser was originally an idea, and a plan that Eerie Pepperoni had in order to frame her former "Best Friend" for attempted murder, via attempted influenced suicide. Jamie spoke with Make A Difference today sharing with us the rest of the conversation to the screenshots we had been tipped off with in our last report. Jamie originally had no idea that this TheEraser that was threatening him and attempting to influence him to commit suicide was Eerie. Here in this Direct Message we received we now have more of the context that led us to more questions. 

Here we can see Eerie, formerly Champagne Taste, is essentially talking to herself because her clearly uncomfortable friend never consented nor agreed to this "plan" she had. Jamie told us that this was a plot of Eerie's to frame her former "Best Friend" Shelby for being The Eraser. We were told that Eerie stated she will not be friends with someone currently struggling with addiction because at the time her friend had lost their sobriety as addiction is a brutal illness. To put this all short, Eerie got mad at one of her closest friends and created a conspiracy plot to frame her friend for attempted murder. A different story entirely but still a very severe sick and twisted crime. Lets get real in this, it takes a special kind of person to come up with something as sick and twisted as this. 
Jaimie came to us because he noticed we had not been told the full story of what was going on in this event.  

Jaimie openly admitted to, after learning Eerie was behind The Eraser did and continued to interact with the account knowing what plans Eerie had for TheEraser. Jamie gave us a statement we would like to share with you now. 

"I knew what I was doing and took part in it. Its one of my biggest regrets on social media. Ive grown to quite enjoy shelby tbh." 

We looked into what Eerie was actually legally doing in this situation and in the first situation of Aiding or Attempt to Influence Suicide, both are arrestable offenses and if the victim harmed themselves or attempted to harm themselves it would result in a fine of up to $10,000 and up to 2 years of jail time. This is referenced of Texas Penal Code 22.08

For the attempt to frame another for Attempted Influenced Suicide would add in Criminal Conspiracy Charges via Texas Penal Code 15.02 which is a Class A Misdemeanor. 

These crimes are referenced because the seriousness of this situation has not become any less than it was before. If anything, this was a dark and twisted development to this unforgivable saga of the person that Eerie Pepperoni is.  

We would like to further apologize for the confusion as a news story that is currently ongoing is bound to have breaks in it that change the perspective of how things happen. Nevertheless, the truth is what is important and what I and all of Make A Difference Value. We all hope this clears some things up. 

Like we always say, if we have any more updates on this topic, we will be here. 

Always Remember 

Make A Difference


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