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Eerie Pepperoni Exposed Massively By Former "Bestie"

 Late last night Make A Difference received a tip on the Eerie Pepperoni Story we have been following. This tip is just yet another nail in the coffin that Eerie has been building for her own online life and reputation. Just when you think she cannot find a new low to stoop to, think again because this is Eerie and she is completely incapable of being genuine on any given moment. 

Drema Queen or known as Dre for short, has their association with Eerie by having many years long friendship where they called each other "Best Friends," doing podcasts and live YouTube panels with each other. Last night it seems, Eerie and Dre had a heavy falling out or a falling out that has been ongoing and is about to come to a head. The images below were sent to Make A Difference, and we initially held onto them for future reference, however this afternoon had different plans. 

In these messages, you will notice a trending name of Jeffree, as many of you know, Make A Difference founder Chris Avery Bennet came forward in the Insider article, describing the Sexual and Physical Assault Allegations of Jeffree Star as well as the follow up article where Chris and Journalist Kat Tenbarge were responsible for bringing Hush Money Payoff of Assault Victims of Jeffree Star to public attention. We previously documented Eerie Pepperoni, attempting to weaponize the history between Star and Bennet in order to prevent Chris from speaking publicly about what she knows about Eerie. This was an attempt that was documented, thanks to Anonymous popularly known as Legion, Make A Difference has a copy of the footage that we will show below.

Not even Eerie can twist this into something to benefit her, proclaiming herself as the ever perpetual victim, as she has in every single internet community she has been in, alongside her self-victimhood amidst every single disagreement she has ever publicly had. Thinking in advance of how Eerie has repeatedly manipulated information creating falsehoods that support her own interests, Make A Difference requested to get a permission to access the direct messages that we are displaying from Dre. As you can see in the image below, Dre confirms this information's intended recipient as well as stating they had massive falling out with Eerie.

The final piece of evidence we would like to present here is a thread put out from Dre's main Twitter account. In this thread Eerie Pepperoni has been, by yet another one of her former closest friends, for being the following.
Supportive of a known Pedophile (Shes also a parent to two young children which is deeply worrying)
Accused of sending Dre to fix her problems with other people. (Unsurprising)
Accused of being "Anti Black" following her being accused of race baiting to shift away from her own wrong-doings.
Closing the thread Dre elected to for a second time declare Eerie Pepperoni a "Racist" and a "Coward" 

Through the extensive and very unhinged attacks Make A Difference and those who we call family, have gone through at the hand of Eerie Pepperoni, we say without hesitation that she is a danger to society. To further elaborate on that we would like to, for a second time express a worry we have. 
Eerie Pepperoni has now been caught by Make A Difference, Anonymous, and numerous members of her own community, defending people well known for sexually assaulting and/or grooming children under the age of 18. Just when you think it is already bad, we have screenshots sent to us about a statement in regards to Eerie Pepperoni and her close relationship with Gary Unfiltered who stands accused have having inappropriate contact with a teenager. Eerie has also recently featuring known Pro Pedophile and disgraced content creator Boleyn Addcock on her Twitter Banner displaying one of Boleyn's conspiracy theories about Chris Avery Bennet. Boleyn has rebranded in order to avoid consequence from being permanently suspended from twitter for hateful abuse on multiple accounts. 

What kind of responsible and reasonably thinking parent would ever work so hard to defend so many sexually predatory people, especially ones that target children? I personally hope and pray their children never fall victim of a criminal like the ones their Mother is friends with. It is worth noting that parents who give these types of passes to well known sexual offenders, are often negligent on their own children's trauma. The only thing that makes me feel less fearful about that situation is knowing that there is a second parent in the picture, however do not envy anyone that is forced to be subject in person to the presence of Eerie, as her unhinged behavior seems to have little to no limit and no boundary indicating no sense of any Moral Compas. This makes all of us worry.

We encourage our readers to help ensure the safety of the internet and follow social media TOS and doing so we encourage you to look for yourself and report the abuse you see happening. 
Eerie Accounts Follow
We also encourage anyone victim to Eerie or any other internet crime to please report to your federal internet crime authority.
We will see you all in our next post.


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