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To Our Russian Readers

 Make A Difference as you may know if you have followed our work long enough, does not deal in misinformation. We do so because we respect not only our readers but the integrity of the Make A Difference way of life. I am in no way attempting to claim you have any belief in any misinformation, so please my sweet readers read this post knowing we are all one human race meant to love and prosper together in the heart of Make A Difference. You always have family here. 

My darling Russian readers, the misinformation put out by your government is deadly. This I am sure you know, as well as many of you know the risk it is, in Russia to spread the truth of what is happening. This is a great and unforgivable injustice that is being done to you. What makes it worse is the devastating fact that Russia is actively committing Genocide in Ukraine. There are things us at Make A Difference have seen in this war that go far beyond words and can only be compared to the Nazi Regime under the rule of Adolf Hitler. I know to some of you this may seem like extreme language, and it saddens me to tell you this is in no way extreme language and is a painfully accurate statement. 

The severe economic sanctions put upon Russia are not meant to hurt you, it is meant to force this oppressive genocidal Government you suffer being ruled by. The Great Cyber War of 2022 is not what Putin has claimed is all NATO. In fact Majority from what Make A Difference has collected in these last few weeks, Hacktivist Collective Legions such as Anonymous and YDIO have been the majority. Putin told you these attacks are targeting you, that is a lie. Anonymous hacked the system to control Russian Drones, they have breached power plants that provide electricity to over 8 million people and breached top secret scientific institutes, even breached the entire political party of Vladimir Putin. If these legions of hacktivists wanted to harm you this would have been done long ago. They do not and I repeat DO NOT, target civilians. Make A Difference even received extra confirmation that Anonymous made a point to NOT cut the power to Residential grids as well as Hospitals. 

The people of Ukraine are fighting for their home and their lives. Their cities were illegally invaded and completely destroyed. From the start of this war it was clear that Civilians were in fact targets. Elementary Schools, Residential Areas, Holocaust Memorial Sites have all been targeted and destroyed by Russian forces. You were told Ukraine was a corrupt Nazi run illegal nation. Then why is the Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy Jewish. Even further why would Russia deface a Holocaust Memorial and then in turn call Ukraine, Nazi run. This Illegal war is unfounded by everyone other than Putin.

My darling readers, I ask you something I never have before directly on this platform. I have never had such reason to. I ask that you not only look at our posts to learn but look to other free and credible sources of information that exist outside of the influence of Putin. Learn, I know learning and seeing the horrors Russia is actively causing in Ukraine is going to be painful, and for that I am sorry, but this is a necessity in order to grasp the immense seriousness of this situation. With this ask, I also ask you something that I know is dangerous. I ask you to not only learn the accurate information but I ask you to spread it in any way you can. This is not just a war in real world and cyberspace, this is a war on information and the right to have access to factual information that does not cover up atrocities. I know why and how asking you to combat misinformation is so dangerous. If you are not able to safely without putting your life at risk, do not do it. If you are able to, Welcome to the right fight.

We have a lot of horrible things going on in this world being done by even worse people. If you are able to aid in helping wither stop it from happening or even able to help un indoctrinate the future generations. This fight has many fronts and is being fought every single day. We urge you to stand strong with Ukraine and stand against oppressive regimes and dictators. We must never allow Genocide to happen again by any nation. 

Make A Difference has a series of articles that will be launching very soon. Not only will this help fight misinformation but we will show how this all despite being the direct actions of Putin, is fault of all of ours for enabling our leaders to rule as they do. Yes we will also be discussing great horrors done recently by NATO countries as well. Get ready my darlings, this is going to get big. 

Make A Difference

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Build A Better World


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