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Eerie Pepperoni Breached By "TheGoons"


You may remember controversial Youtuber Eerie Pepperoni from our previous coverage on her problematic behavior. Formerly known as Karma, Champagne Taste, and The Eraser, her faceless account where she Doxed personal information of her enemies as well as her friends enemies, friends being known as Nicky and Mocha from Tea Time, a small YouTube gossip channel. 
In our last coverage of this developing story we covered that Eerie had suffered a breach from Hacktivist Collective YDIO. This breach included a warning for Eerie, the self proclaimed leader of a malicious group of fake accounts across twitter harassing numbers of people. In that breach Eerie and her associates received a stark warning from the Hacktivist Legion Eerie and associates that if they continued with their current actions there would be more to come. Doxing them alongside with manipulating private medical documents of a minor under the age of 16, harassing a Trans Minor who had just recently come forward as victim of a Global Grooming Ring that distributes CP, seemed to be the response from Eerie and her associates. This seems to have had repercussions as Eerie has be locked out of her Twitter for an estimated number of 7 days due to hate speech and harassment.
Social Media consequences have not been the only events caused by the actions of Eerie and her associates.
Eerie after going further than ignoring the warning she was given by YDIO is now catching the eye of Hacktivist Legion "TheGoons" as her actions escalated.  The response these Hacktivists had was to create an entire profile of Eerie and her family on a public site known as "DoxBin" and is now part of public record on the site. 
The "DoxBin" began with an eerie message for Eerie, 

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. The internet can be such a harmful place, can't it? Maybe we shouldn't target trans and others to bully. See, now the difference between you and "them" - You're just a "Cupounmom" and we're fucking goons. Yea, "" looks REAL familiar doesn't it? Maybe that'll be our next release. Your other information. Oh please do test us, think we're some "Twitter Scene Kid?" Please B*tch. You'd be so lucky. Keep to being a "cupoun mom" before you land yourself in a world of goons and can't turn back.
The Goons."

The file that follows this message is extensive to say the least and was fitting to the name of "DoxBin" Listing over 10 emails used by Eerie likely for false accounts to harass those she does not agree with, social media accounts followed by the phone numbers and emails of her family members she has also used to create social media accounts leading that Eerie has been banned from social platforms numerous times. Following this was current and all former addresses, property information, and public tax history. This was not where the page ends or remotely close to the end. 
Eerie's associates that have enabled and even in the case of her sister in-law Dani were all included.
This list included Eerie's husband and parents alongside their addresses, phone numbers and email addresses.
The file then wrapped up by including Dani, Eerie's sister in law as well as her husband Ivan, Eerie's brother. Addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, property, tax and loan information as well.

Eerie has made multiple attempts to label Make A Difference as "fake activism" desperately trying to blame Make A Difference for the consequences she has faced as result to her own actions against people not involved with Make A Difference. Her and her associates have relentlessly harassed multiple Hacktivist Collectives claiming that they are all the owner and found of Make A Difference, Chris Avery Bennet. These claims could not possibly be more false. Chris has stated numerous times to Eerie, that she and Make A Difference are not responsible for the actions of anyone that Eerie has attempted to falsely label as us. We do not accept any responsibility to the actions of Eerie or her associates and will not accept blame for the consequences enacted upon her and her associates by other entities entirely separate from Make A Difference.   

The best friendly advice we can give to Eerie and her associates is the following.
See with open eyes instead of what you want to see. Your accusations and lies are beyond speculation and reach into conspiracy theory about others lives, that you have presented as fact. Apologize addressing each lie you have said against others in order to protect yourself from the reactions to your own actions. We desperately tried to warn you that none of the accounts you have been actively harassing were in no way involved with us, you continued your actions despite being made aware of reality. I think it is best that you discontinue your hateful propaganda campaigns. And again, neither Chris Avery Bennet nor Make A Difference are responsible for your actions, nor the consequences you face because of your actions. It is beyond time that you grow up. Let us also remind you that Make A Difference has been journalistically reporting for longer than a decade and maintains that we will not release personal information nor will we be releasing the link to any "Doxbin" All information reported on in this article is collected from public record. Please DO NOT force this platform to source the "DoxBin" with any attempt to manipulate or silence Make A Difference. We left out that source as a professional kindness. 

This will be continued later today as we will review evidence that further proves the lies Eerie has personally made against Chris Avery Bennet out of personal malice. 
Stay Tuned.   


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