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Chris Avery Bennet and Levi Shed Light on Jeffree Star's Crimes

 It is no secret the history Chris Avery Bennet has with Jeffree Star, especially since the context of the situation was disclosed by Kat Tenbarge on Insider. Early this week Chris sat with her friend Levi to discuss the conspiracy around her life experience and to debunk each one with actual documents, completely discrediting anyone spreading these clearly malicious lies. If you wish to watch the video ahead of this article you can watch Here.

Credit Insider
Image From Insider
Kat Tenbarge
Levi started the video off addressing the rumors that there is zero evidence to back any of the claims made by Chris and Insider. They went through the evidence that Insider and Kat Tenbarge posted in two articles that backed claims of any "Blood Money" Star paid victims, documenting an attempt of Star paying Bennet $10,000 in which Bennet denied, as well as a $45,000 "Blood Money" payment to victim Gage Arthur, the check and it signed by the CFO of Jeffree Star Cosmetics alongside with a Non-Disclosure singed by Star in direct relation to Star paying Arthur to not talk about being raped anymore. This is an illegal NDA and does not have any kind of hold on Arthurs lived experience nor does it legally prevent him from discussing a violent crime committed against him directly by Jeffree Star. 
Following this Levi asked Bennet if there were any witnesses that remembered what happened between herself and Star. Bennet supplied Levi with 2 separate witness accounts describing that they remember the friendship becoming "Sexually Abusive" towards Bennet as another stated "If anyone needs to ask me anything, I'll back you up, I was there." This had been evidence not previously disclosed other than the idea that these individuals existed. These statements also predate the release of the Insider article with a Facebook Messenger Timestamp. 

The next question asked by Levi was in relation to a small conspiracy YouTube Creator claiming they found evidence on "WaybackMachine" Levi disclosed that she herself alongside with many others have attempted to see this "evidence" that the creator Boleyn continues to mention but still refuses to produce any actual evidence other than already debunked misinformation spread about Gage Arthur by StickyDrama, a known defamatory site proven defamatory in a court room. The statements Boleyn had used as well were debunked by Eden and Amor Hilton. Two Influencers from the earliest days of social media, confirming the alleged Minor Boleyn is accusing Arthur of being intimate with was in fact the same age as Arthur and that no illegal activity ever happened. This entire podcast with Eden and Amor can be found Here. The WayBack Machine has zero evidence against Bennet's claims. 
The next section of Levi's very well structured and fact-based video containing official documents to back up the next conspiracy debunk expertly. There have been claims that Chris Avery Bennet has "Multiple Personality Disorder" inferring that she is by diagnosis a pathological liar. This very far and clearly desperate reach came from a letter that was illegally distributed where Chris' mother was attempting to advocate to a medical board that her child has multiple personality disorders. Yes, the actual document said "Disorders" and not the alleged " Disorder" Chris' Mom was speaking to her Severe Anxiety Disorder, Complex PTSD, and Treatment Resistant Clinical Depression, which to date is the only existing mental health diagnosis Chris has. There has never been even a question that Bennet has Multiple Personalities as she has never had any positive test for it and has never even had any doctor even come close to suggestion it being a possibility. The hospital that Bennet attended is also one of the top in the Country, hosting Michael Jackson, Olsen Twins and Real Housewives galore. Being a top hospital filled with doctors with board certification and a credential list to impress, there is zero room for speculation on the diagnosis they gave to Bennet, especially by low rate youtubers doing their makeup in their low rent bedroom. 

Despite the constant attack, character assassination, criminal stalking and harassment that Bennet has endured since coming forward, she thrives. She has been active in her activism having a rind of child predators that exist online, on the run, hiding from her and listing her as a "Red Alert Anti Pedo" so their associates may block her to prevent her finding them and their crimes against children. Recently a victim of a global grooming ring online has also come forward stating that, Bennet's support and guidance has been pivotal in their coming forward process. This minor who happens to also be Trans has also been harassed by the same harassing Bennet. It is fair to assume that the three Transgender sexual assault victims being harassed, stalked and lied about by these deplorably pathetic people seems to be a trend noticed by more than the victims. But that will be the next story on this subject. Until then, Make A Difference. 


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