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Make A Difference Was Targeted by Russian Tech! Eerie Pepperoni In Trouble Again?!

 If you have been following Make A Difference and Chris Avery Bennet, you will recognize there is a unique group of people determined to harm and or destroy the movement and its founder. The amount of evidence that has been collected is mountainous, and that will be for another article. This one we will discuss how they used a "Mass Report Script" derived of Russian and Kremlin technology in order to not only have the Make A Difference Account Permanently Suspended, not so permanent as they hoped though thanks to a MAD Legal Outreach Volunteer, we are back up and running with no issues. We were alongside friends of ours in this as those wishing to attack Make A Difference and Chris Avery Bennet made a grave mistake in their reality free campaign. These friends are within their own, well respected and influential figures in the community of Anonymous. Today we are going to dive into where that lie these people are using against MAD and Anonymous, who has furthered the propaganda and how it is being used today. 

We start in the early winter of 2022 with accusations that have been proven false numerous times, mind you these are baseless accusations that have occurred due to nothing more than malice and paranoia. Eerie Pepperoni had separated from Make A Difference after MAD founder Chris Avery Bennet refused to allow her best friend Dre back into her life. Eerie on 12/14/2021 spent 40 minutes screaming at me about how I need to be friends with someone because of her, a situation we had formerly spoken about, I never push my friends to befriend someone who has proven they can not be trusted. This is where things get a little messy, Eerie had her dramatic lets not let Chris speak exit but she did not exit the lives of those we had introduced her to. This is no requirement by any means but all of a sudden Ali aka Truth Sleuth or Tea By Ali began messaging my friends that I am pretending to cover Anonymous on Make A Difference inferring that I will go to any length to intimidate and gain clout. While Ali was messaging my friends that I was impersonating an idea, she was also in my DM's accusing me of being the OG Jiggly Syphilis, a faceless troll that will jump on anything. She accused me of being her friend and going on an alternate account to harass and hurt her. Both of these lies were immediately debunked, Ali never owned her words or the potential damage they could cause and instead elected to block myself but to also block any Anonymous Account that attempted to question her on her own words. I guess she is really just not much for truth or sleuthing for it....

This lie went from Ali to Eerie Pepperoni then to Eerie's "Goons" where it was used to harass multiple transgender child grooming victims, as well as transgender rape victims. I have seen these faceless accounts parading for Eerie and Ali, doxing entire families, including my own, alongside threats of Medical SWAT and more. They have tagged every person they could think of trying to spread their filth. 

Nobody listened, that was until they got their hands on a mass report script reportedly of Russian Origin. According to Anonymous, last week both MAD and Anonymous Inspirational Figure Puck, a friend and family to Make A Difference. Puck was attacked using the language of Ali Truth Sleuth stating that the account was myself and not an entire separate entity. That was where they "fucked around and found out." within 6 hours the real false accounts began being taken down alongside with a weapon that Eerie and her friends attempted to use against us. Boleyn. 

Boleyn is a non binary person identifying of They/Them/Their, living in the UK making videos where they take their opinions and wants intending to present them as fact, in some desperate attempt to change reality and to re write history the way they want it to be and not what it actually is. 

We have one thing to make crystal clear for you haters out there. You are welcome to live your sad and pathetic lives but Make A Difference is just as much of an "Idea" as "Anonymous" is. You see you can remove all social accounts and we still bring in 20k, we can function independently of social media and of Chris Avery Bennet and have done so before. If you think you can kill the idea of Make A Difference, then you may as well begin to put democracy itself in a bottle. Ideas live far beyond those who created them and Make A Difference has been around long enough to have a life of its own, ever changing and effortlessly immortal. 

One last thing for you Cathy, you can play pretend as much as you want but I can promise you this. Justice will find you and when it does, it will be cold and hard, and I will be right there watching. 

As I was Closing out this article something very interesting was sent to me 

After dealing with Eerie as long as I have. I 100% believe this thread. Cathy is a danger to herself and those around her and she should seek help as soon as possible.

Remember my Darlings Make A Difference and Do Not be like the people I am writing about today. 


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