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Showing posts from June, 2022

Twitter Has Enabled Pedophilia, Violence & Hate Crime.

Social Media Giant has a lengthy history of labeling hate speech, hate crime and pedophilia as "satire" therefore allowing their platform to be FILLED with some of the most horrific things that you will see right in the open. Having a Better Business Bureau rating of a staggering 1.1 out of 5 with % being the best score and 0 being the worst possible score. Upon viewing the Twitter Inc. Business file on the BBB a highlighted note included that Twitter Inc. has been fined by the FCC a $150 Million penalty to pay for providing, illegally, user private data to advertisers to create more targeted marketing. You think Twitter would start cleaning their act but what we have seen is much worse and much more dark than what the FCC has fined them for.  We begin this dark dive into Twitter with the profound amount of criminal hate speech and death threats that they actively enabled against the LGBTQ+ community. In the image above you will see a reply from Twitter Support st

Fox News Hacked By DarkLulz

  Today DarkLulz A collective that stands with Anonymous often has launched a massive leak on Fox News, an American news organization that has admitted to being Propaganda in a court case against Tucker Carlson where Covid-19 misinformation led to the deaths of many. Fox's statement on the matter was around the lines of "Nobody takes Tucker Carlson serious" The hundreds of thousands who died might have had something different to say but unfortunately drinking the FOX News Kool-Aid was a deadly one for their viewers.  A Fox News favorite to attempt to attack and discredit has been friend to Make A Difference and Washington Post Reporter Taylor Lorenz. I have personally seen the impact of the propaganda in people I love who fell victim to it as well as witnessing the Fox audience attack, threaten, harass, and even on one occasion a Satanic Dark Curse was placed on Taylor by some of the more unhinged conservative conspiracy theorists. Regardless of how my readers may feel ab

Anonymous Responds To USA Human Rights Violations With MASSIVE Leak.

 The United States Of America is meant to be "The Land of The Free" This idea has never been truth since the day strangers began to make their first footprints on the American Continent. The Government divide could not possibly be greater for if it was, a Civil War would be in full effect.  Anonymous has had enough with how The United States and those in power actively harm the people they hold power over. The overturn of Roe Vs Wade seems to have been the straw the broke the camels back, when it not only comes to Anonymous but the American People. The World has watched in horror for so long as so many within the USA believed the life they are living is a life better than anywhere else in the world. This is also simply not true.  Anonymous has reacted by being vocal on Non Violent Protests, They have been advocating for Non Violent Protest from the start and they have just now executed a Non Violent Protest, but Anonymous style. This is most certainly the largest leak I perso

US Supreme Court Declares War On The People

We all knew it was an inevitable direction we as a society were going towards, but there is something very different that happens the moment what you know is coming has finally arrived. The United States Supreme Court has overturned Roe vs. Wade, a women's rights amendment that has played crucial parts in LGBTQ+ rights as well as general HIPPA Law.  This is all being laid out right in front of us and is happening in front of our eyes. Despite how the greater majority of the American Public support Roe vs. Wade, The Supreme Court did the most modern American thing they could have done. They completely ignored the people of the land they have been charged to protect and represent, in doing this characteristically most American yet Un American action, the Supreme Court not only have proven they are incapable of functioning as they are meant to, but that they no longer represent the people of the free world. In fact these Justices who voted to overturn have directly chosen to remove fr

Anonymous Celebrates Pride Month with HUGE Neo Nazi Hack!

Anonymous is widely known for doing the right thing and helping people. Something I have seen be overlooked is the Anonymous Pride Celebration and the stands they take for the LGBTQ+. Alongside with hacking the Westborough Baptist Church every pride, They did something extra special this year.    Happy Pride My Darling Make A Difference Family and to my Anonymous Family as well as the Most Important Family this month, The LGBTQ+ family. Anonymous has hacked The Florida Family Association and leaked a large amount of private data, The Florida Family Association is known for promoting their "Traditional Values" which translates into "Combatting the LGBTQ+ Agenda" The FFA has stated that it was the "homosexuals" that made Adolf Hitler and that the Holocaust is result of the LGBTQ+ Agenda. This is all Neo Nazi Propaganda and Anonymous made a stand to them. Anonymous Left The Florida Family Organization a message stating the following  "The Florida Family

Greetings From Anonymous HAL 9000

  HAL 9000 Has A Message to the world... well two messages to the world! Make A Difference spotted a Tweet from HAL, that we will touch in a moment, We spoke with HAL 9000 of Anonymous and they had something truly beautiful to say to each and every one of you. "Peace, Love and Respect, This is what is needed to be given to all by all especially in these trying times we live in. Commit yourself to acts of random kindness and never fail to fight for those who can not fight for themselves, yes they do need you. Everyone needs to take a step back, take off their blinders, really open their eyes, and see the world for what it actually is and not for what they wish it was."   HAL 9000 has a second message to the world but this time HAL 9000 tweeted it HAL 9000 has been very direct and to the point and we can appreciate that and are so happy as a Make A Difference family that someone is helping Ukraine. We will close this one with one final quote from HAL 9000 "We are Anonymous

Here For Teh Lulz

 Anonymous LulzForce today released a large IP Camera leak from out of Russia and Russian Allied countries. The Anonymous Legion was excited with this drop as it also gave them the capability of entering the systems and sending a message far and wide.  If you have the technical skill as I do now writing this post, you have absolutely no idea what this means or can entail. If you take a look at the image below you will see that there are a number of settings that have been made available to be changed by the Anonymous Hacktivist Legion and the settings they have chosen to change send their message quite loud to the people of Russia. The Anonymous Legion has set the alarms connected to the cameras to go off on a scale that would be similar to what the people of Ukraine would experience being constantly bombarded with air raid sirens.  "If Ukraine needs to hear it, why shouldn't they."  -Anonymous It is safe to assume that if you are a world power, let it be a country or coo

The Day of The DarkBloom

 DarkBloom, a collective that exists within The Anonymous Legion, has been deeply inspired by the Ukraine War movement against Russia and those in support of Russia. I am likely telling you this because for some reason it is near impossible to find full coverage on Anonymous let alone many if any in depth looks at their accomplishments. Today as we look back to June 19th of 2022 to the Day of Dark Bloom The Anonymous DarkBloom Collective on June 19th launched their Bloomageddon project in support of OP Russia where they displayed their talents with ease posting a number successful breaches into a variety of systems. Make A Difference spoke with DarkBloom and asked them why they wanted to send a message as well as what their message is that they want to be sent. The why was quite simple and easy to understand, India is currently profiting off of buying cheap Russian Oil!  The message DarkBloom was sending was a show of support for Ukraine as well as showing what it is they are capable o

Vladimir Putin's Speech on Russian Cyber-Security Improvements, Delayed by "Massive" Cyber Attack

 Two days ago, on Friday 06/17/2022, Vladimir Putin had a speech planned talking about how Russia has been under constant Cyber Attack, which in his mind is not consequences put upon him and his followers by Anonymous around the world due to their genocidal and illegal actions in Ukraine. No to Vladimir Putin the cyber attacks are being sent to him by a number of countries that are just anti-Russian and are being mean to him.  Unfortunately for Putin, his big speech that involved this self victimization, was delayed due to  "massive cyber-attacks"  Now here at Make A Difference we choose not to post propaganda, so we will not be quoting the entire speech. However if you choose to see it for yourself you may do so here . For those of you not wishing to read the entire speech given by this Murderous Russian Dictator, the contentious Tzar wannabe and formerly KGB indoctrinated grunt, Putin complained on about how the consequences of his actions have multiplied. His explanation i

Anonymous Hacks Russian Prison Systems

 In a vitally important in the war against Russia, Anonymous successfully breached the Russian Prison Systems and is planning to leak information. This is so important because as many of you may know the political opponent to Vladimir Putin has recently gone missing within the Russian Prison systems. I will not speculate but I will say that this is big move at a critically important time especially as tensions between Russia and the world increase to near overflow.    System after system in Russia is being taken by Anonymous, to a point where Russia is beginning to be pushed out of their own cyber space. Pro-Russian companies, military equipment and systems meant to control attack drones. Russia seems to no longer even owns its own systems anymore as Anonymous grows and spreads, spreading a message of a world with love and hope and never failing to take action against injustices. Anonymous really is capable of changing the world we live in.  It is worth noting that Anonymous is not an

Breaking News, Political Party Of Vladimir Putin Has Been Hacked

The Hacktivist Collective known as Anonymous has breached the Russian Political Party of Valadimir Putin leaking 65,807 data points and made over 23.7mb of data. Russia previously known for its cyber attacks on the countries of the the world seems to have been quite swiftly replaced on the throne by Anonymous.   If you think taking over cyberspace and security of Russian Parties in Power was impressive, Anonymous kept their word and also hacked the Russian Military. 270mbs of Russian Military Equipment of their Navy, Army and Airforce including their Coms, Missiles and weapons systems have all been compromised and leaked. This success seems to be thanks to Darkbloom. Darkbloom has been not only successful in their work but has been increasing the volume as promised. While we are speaking of the kept promise of Anonymous increasing their attacks in this Cyber-War Anonymous just today on 6/16/2022 took down 14 Russian websites not even giving time to breathe after the last cyber attack.

Anonymous Plows Through Russia & Allies In Cyber War

 Hacktivist Collective known as Anonymous had a busier weekend than most people did this past weekend. At the start of the weekend it was released that the collective had breached and compromised systems responsible for controlling all un manned Russian attack drones and vehicles delivering an absolutely devastating blow to Russia in the War against Ukraine and the Cyber War against Anonymous which is of direct result of the Russia Ukraine War.  It was within minutes Make A Difference began seeing images of Industrial and Military facilities located within Russian boarders, being burned to the ground by gigantic explosions and/or flames. It is however worth noting, Make A Difference is unable to verify if these fires and explosions are directly. However we did feel it was important to add considering multiple known Anonymous profiles have shared similar images with similar messages as the above while majority of posts looked like the below. Alongside with this immense achievement Anony

Anonymous' New Message to Vladimir Putin

 Today Anonymous LiteMods, a popular figurehead in the collective, put out a video speaking to Vladimir Putin and his supporters directly, giving another clear and direct warning.  "Greetings World We Are Anonymous, this is a message to Vladimir Putin. We are coming back to punish you again for your crimes in the Ukrainian Territories. All we see is continuous aggression bombing and the killing and kidnapping of the Ukrainian people. Although this is nothing new to us, we refuse to stand by idly, our response to these heinous crimes against humanity will occur soon. As we did many times, we will take down your Servers, Government Websites, Russian Military Websites, Banks and Public Institutions. We will erase you from the internet as we have done previously.  A message to the people of Ukraine, you are a symbol of freedom, resistance and hope, never give up, never give in, we are with you and will continue to defend you. Our message to Vladimir Putin and all other leaders in Rus

Anonymous Dismantles Russian Reputation In Cyberwarfare

 If you are familiar with Russia and its Government, you will likely be familiar with the Russian Cyber War reputation. Across the globe for many years Russia has held people in fear with their ability to launch cyber-attacks. This reputation has now come to an end thanks to Anonymous.  In the early days of the Illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Anonymous collective declared cyber war upon Russia, its corrupt Government and those who support this Neo Nazi Regime. Anonymous was not bluffing. Since the declaration of Cyber War, Anonymous has had a breathtaking amount of success against the Russian Government. Just recently the Central Bank of Russia was under control of Anonymous for a second time proving the Russians incapable of protecting their own assets in this Cyber War with Anonymous.  Alongside the Central Bank, Anonymous has accessed multiple prominent Russian Government, news and cooperate websites. Another giant success was Anonymous leaked data from Russian Federal Agen

Anonymous, A Global Community Of Activists

   In early June of 2022, Anonymous collective released a video from Anonymous LiteMods Youtube titled, " World Leaders " that featured some context to the collective as well as who they are and what they do and stand for. Hello World, we are Anonymous and as of this day so are you. We are by the people for the people, we aim to unite together into one conduit of information with the tools to organize on a mass scale in times such as this. We must focus, educate one another and ourselves and become active in Making A Difference. We are not simply an independent social media outlet, Anonymous is a growing, information filled, driven machine for change, real change, our change.  In a world run by Governments and Regimes that do not care for the people but rather their own political and financial gain. It is up to the people to set the matter straight, after all it is primarily our fault for allowing them to get to this point is it not? We have remained silent as they moved our

Anonymous Takeover of Make A Difference

 Make A Difference Founder Chris Avery Bennet has decided to temporarily donate the platform of Make A Difference to a greater cause.  The collective group, known as Anonymous made contact with us a little over a month ago, admiring the work we did on the StickyDrama post. Anonymous is a Legion of Anonymous and talented people who not only speak up against injustice but take action, such as hacking Russian Stat Tv to show the Russian people what is actually happening in the Ukraine war. Recently Anonymous has hacked Russian State Radio replacing propaganda with truth and the Ukraine National Anthem.  Known for standing up to injustice, inequality and especially the very real Nazi threat in our world today, makes Anonymous beyond qualified to be on the Make A Difference timeline as a group that works tirelessly to Make A Difference every day across the globe. We look forward to bringing you updates and messages from some of those within Anonymous.  We are Anonymous, We do not Forgive, W