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Showing posts from July, 2022

We Will Be Back Soon

Make A Difference and anyone associated have been under attack being relentlessly stalked and harassed to an extreme level. We have made some light coverage on this situation but have barely touched the topic. We did this for a reason. This is now entering into a legal matter, and we will not be posting regularly in order to focus on getting this done the right way so there does not need to be a second time to do this. We will be continuing our coverage of Hacktivist Collectives Anonymous, YDIO and The Goons as there is SO MUCH for us to cover right now already.  Like most legal matters we will not be discussing any of the details of the investigation/case and depending on what happens with it, we may or may not mention this again. In our absence we want you all to work extra hard to Make A Difference in this world. We live in dark times of war, climate crisis and suffer from oppressive governments and cooperations that have committed countless human rights violations.  Remember my dar

Chris Avery Bennet and Levi Shed Light on Jeffree Star's Crimes

 It is no secret the history Chris Avery Bennet has with Jeffree Star, especially since the context of the situation was disclosed by Kat Tenbarge on Insider . Early this week Chris sat with her friend Levi to discuss the conspiracy around her life experience and to debunk each one with actual documents, completely discrediting anyone spreading these clearly malicious lies. If you wish to watch the video ahead of this article you can watch Here . Image From Insider Kat Tenbarge Levi started the video off addressing the rumors that there is zero evidence to back any of the claims made by Chris and Insider. They went through the evidence that Insider and Kat Tenbarge posted in two articles that backed claims of any "Blood Money" Star paid victims, documenting an attempt of Star paying Bennet $10,000 in which Bennet denied, as well as a $45,000 "Blood Money" payment to victim Gage Arthur, the check and it signed by the CFO of Jeffree Star Cosmetics alongside with a Non

YDIO Begins To Dominate BRICS Cyberspace

 YDIO has been busy since our last update on them. Let us take a look at their recent activity in the Great Cyber War of 2022 and OpBRICS. BRICS is a Russian Alliance very similar yet opposite of NATO. BRICS countries consist of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Formed in 2009 and meeting annually BRICS aligns with Vladimir Putin. Nettlinx is an IT service company located and headquartered in India, a Russian Allied Country. On 7/12/2022 YDIO breached the IT service, compromising over 93 different Nettlinx locations and leaking the company configuration alongside with 407 internet radio signals of bandwidths of both 40MHz and 80MHz. Karur Vysya Bank a Commercial Banking Company and Muthoot Finance, a commercial Financing Company both located and headquartered in India were breached on 7/15/2022 by YDIO as they leaked the configurations to the entirety of both of their wireless networks with administrative access.  Tata Communications Limited, located in India is a Telecomm

Eerie Pepperoni Breached By "TheGoons"

  You may remember controversial Youtuber Eerie Pepperoni from our previous coverage on her problematic behavior . Formerly known as Karma, Champagne Taste, and The Eraser, her faceless account where she Doxed personal information of her enemies as well as her friends enemies, friends being known as Nicky and Mocha from Tea Time, a small YouTube gossip channel.  In our last coverage of this developing story we covered that Eerie had suffered a breach from Hacktivist Collective YDIO. This breach included a warning for Eerie, the self proclaimed leader of a malicious group of fake accounts across twitter harassing numbers of people. In that breach Eerie and her associates received a stark warning from the Hacktivist Legion Eerie and associates that if they continued with their current actions there would be more to come. Doxing them alongside with manipulating private medical documents of a minor under the age of 16, harassing a Trans Minor who had just recently come forward as victim of

YDIO Hacktivists Deliver Message to Russia and BRICS Allies

           " Every drop of blood you spill, Is a megabyte of data we spill. You say the war is never ending, We say we’ve just began to showcase your data.  This war, the war you craved Putin, was once in your favor - or so you thought.  Your Data Is Ours. Yes, yours Putin.  Yes, yours BRICS.  Just as you spill the blood of the Ukrainian people, we’ll continue to let your data flow like rivers.  Your panels will be breached.  Your servers will be compromised.  Your devices will be taken over.  All, yes all, of your data will be shared.  You wanted war Putin, you got one.  We are the demon in your servers that you can not escape.  We will be the voice in your head that drives you insane.  Our name will be remembered more than your regime.  You will be forgotten, but your data will forever be remembered.  You will be humiliated as you’ve humiliated the countries you’ve sought.  We have no boundaries.  We have no moral’s.  You have everything to lose.  We are, YDIO.  Your Data Is Our

Over 100 Epstein Flight Log Guests

Welcome to the most disturbing list to have ever been made in Make A Difference History. Each of the names you will see below, in this post, are directly from Jeffrey Epstein's Black Book and flight logs. This information DOES NOT state each name mentioned was involved in criminal activity.  With that being said, majority of 98.99% of these Epstein Island guests were accompanied by Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. You will find that some of these names lack any context, this is because Make A Difference could not verify the identity or even the name of some of these people. Let the list begin and we will see you on the other side....  Alexia Wallert Cindy Lopez (Hollywood Actress) Mats & Kathy Alexander Stacey Igglucksengh Alberto Pinto (Photographer, Interior Design) Yves Pickardt (Editor, Journalist, Forbes Contributor) Steve Sherman (Hollywood Actor)  Ed Tuttle (Architect) Pres. Bill Clinton USA Fleur Perry Lang (Ex Wife to Island Chef) Mark Lloyd (MIT Professor)  Sean

To Our Russian Readers

 Make A Difference as you may know if you have followed our work long enough, does not deal in misinformation. We do so because we respect not only our readers but the integrity of the Make A Difference way of life. I am in no way attempting to claim you have any belief in any misinformation, so please my sweet readers read this post knowing we are all one human race meant to love and prosper together in the heart of Make A Difference. You always have family here.  My darling Russian readers, the misinformation put out by your government is deadly. This I am sure you know, as well as many of you know the risk it is, in Russia to spread the truth of what is happening. This is a great and unforgivable injustice that is being done to you. What makes it worse is the devastating fact that Russia is actively committing Genocide in Ukraine. There are things us at Make A Difference have seen in this war that go far beyond words and can only be compared to the Nazi Regime under the rule of Adol

Eerie Pepperoni Breached By YDIO

 Controversial and problematic youtuber known as Eerie Pepperoni has had her data breached! YDIO Hacktivists Your Data Is Ours breached Eerie today in response to a bullying campaign she has been headlining from backstage against multiple victims of Child Grooming whom have come forward with their experiences, two of these victims being Transgender. Make A Difference alongside with Anonymous have been targets of this misinformation and bullying campaign.  As you can see in the screenshot above with personal information redacted, Eerie has been proven to be headlining this attack which to Make A Difference is no surprise as we have witnessed the false twitter accounts doing most of the gross work for her, have been quoting things she has said both publicly and privately. This alongside with the YDIO Hacktivist breach has brought information that has confirmed Eerie being involved as well as her sister in law Dani whom is also mentioned.  These attacks have not only been personal attacks

Remembering Ben Estey

 Benjamin Michael Estey 9/28/1989 - 6/24/2022 Today we remember a truly remarkable human. Ben Estey aka Bestie and not just because that is is first and last name blended. Ben was one of the most pure and kind souls I have ever met. Someone I trusted with things I trust with very few people in my life. Ben has even attended official Make A Difference events in NYC as a comped guest of Make A Difference. Ben had passions for music as he played multiple instruments, a passion for video games where he co founded TKO Tournaments with our dear friend Ben Murphy. Ben was a fan of comedy and is also known for his stand up and skits on his YouTube channel. Ben was a person of a mindset that we are all human and we all exist with each other and not so separate as many do. He was also a humble man who found it very hard to take a compliment no matter how much he deserved and earned it.  I can't talk about my darling Ben without mentioning the other part of his soul, his forever fiancĂ© Tara.