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Showing posts from November, 2022

Eerie Pepperoni Exposed Massively By Former "Bestie"

 Late last night Make A Difference received a tip on the Eerie Pepperoni Story we have been following. This tip is just yet another nail in the coffin that Eerie has been building for her own online life and reputation. Just when you think she cannot find a new low to stoop to, think again because this is Eerie and she is completely incapable of being genuine on any given moment.  Drema Queen or known as Dre for short, has their association with Eerie by having many years long friendship where they called each other "Best Friends," doing podcasts and live YouTube panels with each other. Last night it seems, Eerie and Dre had a heavy falling out or a falling out that has been ongoing and is about to come to a head. The images below were sent to Make A Difference, and we initially held onto them for future reference, however this afternoon had different plans.  In these messages, you will notice a trending name of Jeffree, as many of you know, Make A Difference founder Chris Av

Rest In Power Nicole

  Make A Difference Supporter Nicole passed away early September of 2022. Nicole was one of the most important people in my life from the age of 16. We were immediate sisters and did EVERYTHING together. It has taken me time to memorialize her on here because this death is one, I am still unable to accept, and this has been the most difficult post I have ever had to make. Nicole was full of life, light and love. She lived her life with her friends and lived a full and beautiful life.  Nicole attended numerous red-carpet events with us and was a ray of light to everyone she ever met. The image at Style Fashion Week is one of my most treasured memories with Nicole. See after we walked the red carpet, I went to grab our seats for Malan Breton's latest fashion show at the time. Nicole ran into Malan on the carpet before the show. As they met Nicole helped Malan's perfectionist side by helping him fix the jewels that were stuck to his skin for the imminent fashion show. Nicole retur

Eerie Pepperoni Was The Eraser, Here Is What Really Happened

 We have had a major development in the story involving Eerie Pepperoni being The Eraser. We in order to maintain that correct information is being published, we Un-Published/Redacted the previous article in order to re-present this story in a way that is more accurate. If we see we have made a mistake we always make a great effort to correct that. Today we interviewed Controversial Youtuber, Jamie from BabbleOnYT who was on the receiving side of the Eraser screenshots we previously covered. Jamie gave us the full context of what and who The Eraser is/was and things have dramatically changed.   The Eraser was originally an idea, and a plan that Eerie Pepperoni had in order to frame her former "Best Friend" for attempted murder, via attempted influenced suicide. Jamie spoke with Make A Difference today sharing with us the rest of the conversation to the screenshots we had been tipped off with in our last report. Jamie originally had no idea that this TheEraser that was threate