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Showing posts from March, 2023

Anonymous Announces Operation Stonewall

 Anonymous Operations announced the launch of Operation Stonewall, something that is beginning to become described as the digital Stonewall Riot, a title not used lightly! The original Stonewall Riot was an event that took place June 1969 in New York City as one of the nation's most impactful LGBTQ+ moments in history, and ever since Pride Month is celebrated the month of June. This new Operation Stonewall is meant to be a digital second Stonewall riot and so far, has started by sending some very strong messages to people actively working to strip basic human rights from LGBTQ+ people. These message stick to the facts and get right to the point and as a Trans Woman, I personally believe this has been LONG overdue and I am so glad to see this becoming a thing.    Tennessee has been a flagship for the Neo Nazi movement with an actual Nazi population rapidly growing and extremely inhumane Bills being passed into law Anonymous are posting the news that people and most media have let go