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Showing posts from April, 2022

We Are Living Through Unique Times

 We truly live in an age of historic events. I see everywhere people sending a request into the universe that they not have to live through any more historical and life altering events. This is a common feeling among people who are up to date on the events in our world. From the climate crisis to once again across the world having to fight for equality and basic human rights. I remember starting this blog as a teenager hoping to make a positive impact and hoping to help create a better world for the future generations. I realize this was an unrealistic goal I had but that does not mean we cannot raise our voices collectively in order to tell others they are not alone in their experiences. This is so important especially as the struggles most in the world have been escalated due to either political environment, climate, and war. Knowing the struggle of the world right now it is crucial to stand together strong against inequality and persecution. We need to remind ourselves that we live