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Showing posts from October, 2022

22 Journalists Killed In Philippines Since installment of President Rodrigo Duterte

 The Philippines since 1986 is one of the world's most dangerous countries to be a journalist in with at least 189 journalists murdered since 1986. Current President Rodrigo Duterte, the son of the late dictator, is under investigation for human rights violations in relation to the killings. The people of Philippines have taken to the streets in protest of the killings seeking justice and accountability, as well as to demand a safer environment for journalists within their country. As these protests began so did the propaganda, Anonymous Counter Propaganda Units have been on top of the situation creating awareness across social platforms to thousands globally. In this call out, Anonymous lists those they have identified responsible for helping create and spread harmful propaganda. The quote featured below is long and is the entire thread containing each name mentioned. Full official statement quoted below.  Anonymous Counter Propaganda Statement " all social media platforms th

Anonymous Leaks Iran Weapons Factory Location

Anonymous is widely known for fighting for those whose voices have been taken from them. As you may have seen in the news Iran is having a social and political revolution due to the extreme oppressive conditions in Iran leading to the deaths of many innocent women and anyone else brave enough to stand up for basic human rights.  Anonymous this morning as part of Ops both supporting the Iranian people as well as The Ukrainian people, released detailed satellite imagery of an Iran War Weapons Manufacturing facility, further compromising not just the stability of the oppressive Iranian Government but also delivering the information to the public brings the information to the world on a potential tactical advantage against Russia in the illegal invasion of Ukraine.  Posting this leak Puck Arks of Anonymous said the following "On one of the satellite images of The Intel Lab, found an Iranian base where Shahed-136 kamikaze drones are produced The image shows a workshop, production work