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Showing posts from November, 2021

The Return of Make A Difference

A little over a decade ago Make A Diffefence was in its height. A global community driven movement if peace, equality and celebrating the talents and accomplishments of our community. I'm overjoyed to let all of you know Make A Difference is returning to the internet on a community level for the fist time since we were over run by hateful people incided by an individual so vile they have no place in MAD or it's community.  Make A Difference Founder Chris Avery Bennet will be addressing that event as well as the re launch of MAD.  The entire Make A Difference Family are very excited to help spread this message once again and to help the communities we are in.  Always remember.  "Don't just Make A Difference in someone's life, do something and become that positive Difference in their life."